Amir Lavi

Amir Lavi

19 years old from Jerusalem

“A man of eclectic sprit who lives in peace with the unity of opposites. A free soul of art and music. Loves man, the country and the people. “

Fell on 7.10.23 while fighting heroically in the defense of the Sufa Military Outpost and surrounding settlements.

Amir was a beloved son and a wonderful brother to his sister Tamar. An amazing grandson and cousin. He is so missed and will always be.


Amir Lavi

About Amir in brief…

The story of fighting in the Military Outpost

Amir Lavi  was born and raised in Jerusalem in the Ein Kerem neighborhood. He finished his studies at Yasa High School – a science and arts high school majoring in art. Amir was an artist at heart and painting and drawing were an inseparable part of him.

Amir has many impressive paintings and drawings that form a mosaic of his life. Through his works of art it is possible to discern his mindset, his thoughts, his feelings and his development as a person consolidating his identity

Along with art, music was his great love. He played the guitar and even hours before he fell he was still playing with the guys at the Military Outpost. He loved music from many different genres. He researched in depth about the various songs, about the artists and what is behind the texts. Amir made many playlists from different periods.

Shortly before his fall, he made a playlist that he called a ‘funeral playlist’ and asked that if and when the time comes we play it. This is a cynical, funny, intelligent and kickass playlist. More than all the styles he liked rock the most.

  Above all, Amir was a people person. He had many friends who surrounded him, he connected and people connected with him thanks to his ability to see a person for who he is without judgment or bureaucracy. Always ready to listen and help. His home and heart were always open with a warm and wide smile. He was a man of values and a true Zionist. He loves the country and the people and for this reason enlisted to be a fighter in the  Nahal Brigade.

He served in the 50th Battalion in the auxiliary division. He was proud and saw his military service as a privilege and a mission. Amir was a man of many facets. So many sides existed in it, some of them can even seem opposite to each other. But magically and miraculously all these existed and lived in him in peace and thanks to this he was able to live in his short life a very full and varied life.

Amir fell on 7.10.23 in the Sufa Military Outpost while he and his friends were fighting inside and outside the Military Outpost. A heroic battle thanks to which many civilian lives were spared. Amir was a beloved son and a wonderful brother to his sister Tamar. An amazing grandson and cousin. He is so missed and always will be  💚

On Saturday the 7th of October, the mortar platoon of the 50th battalion is on alert at dawn near the armored personal carriers, which are outside the Military Outpost in the western area.

At around 6:30 am a massive rocket fire attack starts from Gaza to Gaza Envelope  and the Sufa Military Outpost itself, the platoon mounts the mortars and receives an order to prepare explosive shells as a response, the late Roy Chappel , the Company Commander of the Military Outpost, conveys to the platoon a datum point for firing the shells and they start firing mortars to the point.

After firing about 25 mortar bombs while under rocket fire from Gaza and a suicide drone exploding near them, the platoon began to hear small arms fire and realized that there is an infiltration of terrorists from Gaza towards the Military Outpost.

The platoon disembarks from the armored personal carries and divides into three small forces that protect at 180 degrees the back guard entrance of the Military Outpost, the fighters return fire in the direction of the terrorists while bringing additional ammunition from the Military Outpost and giving  first aid treatment to the wounded.

After a long battle and with a distinct numerical disadvantage, the platoon received anti-tank fire.

At this stage, when there are already several wounded in the platoon, they decide to gather inside the Military Outpost.

Four wounded soldiers enter the nearest room next to the rear guard entrance (the late Tal Levy , the late Amir Lavi , Amit Khazri and Yonti Beit Halevi).  When two other fighters (the late Nachman Dekal and Gili Sokolovsky) cover the room under massive fire and grenades being thrown at them, the rest of the platoon runs to the protected dining room.

When the soldiers from the Nahal Patrol barricaded themselves in the dining room hear that there are wounded in the room next to the rear guard, two medics together with another soldier for cover (the late Amit Most , the late Ofir Melman and the late Gali Shakotai ) decide to leave the dining room under fire to treat and evacuate the wounded.

The two medics enter the room and give first aid to two wounded soldiers who were hit in the upper limbs and these, together with another fighter who is covering them (Amit Khazri, Yonti Beit Halevi and Gili Sokolovsky) run under fire into the protected dining room.

The medics continue treating two more wounded in the room who cannot walk on their own, but at this stage the terrorists blow up the door of the rear-guard entrance, kill the two fighters covering the room, break into the room and kill everyone in it – the two medics and the two wounded.

The late Amit Most , the late Ofir Melman , the late Gali Shakutai , the late Nachman Dekal , the late Tal Levy and the late Amir Lavi .


Amir Arts

All Genres
Portraits and Watercolors
Fantasy and Superheroes
Sketches and Illustrations
+ More Art

Friends write

Amir's Playlists

Israeli Rock
Over 30 hours of excellent israeli Rock music
The Funeral Playlist
A playlist Amir made during the army, just in case... A cinical and alive playlist
Suitble to listen on the beach and beer in the hand
Replay 2023
Amir's 100 most played songs for 2023
Soft Rock and Acoustics
Rock to Heavy Metal
Greatest Guitarist

About the foundation

The AMI”R Non Profit Organization was established in memory of the late Sergeant Amir Lavi  who fell in battle on October 7, 2023 at the Sufa Military Outpost. The Hebrew letters of Amir’s name are the first letters of the Hebrew words for Art, Music, Creativity and Spirit. Therefore the AMI”R Non Profit Organization encompasses the spirit of Amir who was an eclectic sprit. In Amir there existed many and varied sides, which could seem contradictory but miraculously coexisted in peace. Amir was a talented artist and painting and music were his great loves, through which he expressed his thoughts and feelings and together they created the mosaic of his life. Above all, Amir was a man of the people. Free of judgment and criticism and thanks to these he was always surrounded by friends some different some similar to him.

He was a real Zionist and saw his military service as a mission and privilege to protect and defend the land and the people he loved. His big heart was open to everyone and he always saw everyone as well as the weak and needy parts of society and gave of himself privately and modestly

The association Amir – art, music, creation and spirit was established after the fall of Amir. The association set itself to act in the spirit and memory of the late Amir Lavi who fell in battle at the Sofa outpost on 7.10.23.

The association was established in order to contribute to the community in different and varied fields which were close to Amir’s heart. One of the most important and prominent issues that the association will support is IDF soldiers in general, and soldiers who suffer from post-trauma and need care and support in particular.

Apart from realizing that this is the curfew that society and the system is going to have to deal with since the October 7th, the issue kept Amir very busy in his military service and even then he thought that this could be prevented and treated.

In addition, the association will raise funds in order to award scholarships for art studies in Amir’s name – the subject of art was particularly close to Amir due to his being an artist.It will also provide scholarships for music studies, assistance and therapy in music and music rooms for youth, with an emphasis on youth at risk, this from Amir’s worldview that music has the ability to heal. The association will take part in fundraising and support for patients and their families.From a young age, Amir made sure to donate to organizations that support children with cancer, as well as to children’s wards in hospitals. In his high school years, he made sure to donate through a standing order to various associations that support patients and promote life-saving projects. We see great importance in supporting and helping those in need and in doing so continue Amir’s way of life, who from a young age gave of himself to everyone in need with the belief that: “If it is possible to give and do good, then we give and do!”.

Amir was a man of the people. Free of judgment and criticism and thanks to these he was surrounded by many friends, different and similar, therefore the association will direct its resources to a wide range of activities that support the community in all its aspects.

The association sees in its existence and in its work a great privilege to act and continue the spirit of Amir who was a man of variaty, who always saw everyone who stood by him and made sure to do good in the world with modesty, humility and grace.

The association’s members include intellectuals, care, finance, art and culture on a full volunteer basis.


Donations to AMI”R Non Profit Organization

About Amir - from the Media